We all know, or most of us do, that Obama has said that the health care reform act is designed for everyone’s benefit and that everyone will have access to affordable, high-quality care. Sounds great. Sounds like an election promise (and it was). However, first of all, since when has health care been affordable? Secondly, with the number of medical malpractice lawsuits filed every year and the number of deaths due to medical malpractice every year, where does the high-quality health care remark come into play?
This is not to say that all medical professionals are negligent, as many are outstanding, caring, good doctors. However, it is evident that there are enough bad medical professionals that mess the system up for the rest of them. Nonetheless, none of this addresses the costs of medical care. Sure, there are many reasons why medical care is so high, but in reality, it is so high because doctors charge what the market will bear. Except now, more people are going bankrupt and the bills are not getting paid.
Maybe it is time for doctors and other medical professionals to re-evaluate what they are charging for their services.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit https://www.benepath.com
A very common complaint heard on coffee row is the rising cost of health insurance premiums. This coming from a group of people who are smoking, eating a high-fat breakfast , and who drove to the local café despite the fact that they live just down the road from it is ironic. None of them exercise, other than to lift the TV remote and many of them drink in excess as well. Is it any wonder that those individuals have health problems that send them to a doctor more often than those who do not overindulge?
The bottom line here is that each and every one of us is directly responsible for our own health. If we strive to be healthy, we are healthy and we save money on health insurance premiums because of this. Bemoaning the high bills and the cost of premiums is counter-intuitive, when we are causing our own poor health because of our actions. If we want cheaper health insurance premiums, we have to commit to a healthy lifestyle. It is just that simple.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit https://www.benepath.com
Some say one way to improve the cost of health care is to import prescription drugs. Well, it’s an idea, but Big Pharma would not go along with it. Of course, Americans are free to order online drugs from anywhere they want, including Canada, but use caution as you really have no guarantee that what you see online is indeed what you get in the mail.
What about mandated use of generic drugs? Much like mandated health care in 2014, should it actually come to pass, mandated use of generic drugs may well save the country billions. Of course the problem with that is the resistance the drug makers would put up about losing money.
Odd isn’t it that drug companies, who are supposed to exist to help make people better, actually create drugs that kill people and charge them astronomical amounts for the privilege. Even odder is the fact that at any time drug makers could make generic drugs of their own and sell them, making a nice chunk of change, but they choose not to because they prefer gouging patients for the big name drugs at three or more times the price of a generic drug.
It is time for consumers to do something about that and make a move to take more generic drugs instead.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit https://www.benepath.com
Let’s face it, health care is expensive. That’s not news. And, it will likely get even more expensive over the next few years.
Here is a question to think about: If the mandated health insurance does come into effect in 2014, how do you think that will affect the cost of health care? How will that affect you? Your family?
This is still a hot issue, and will continue to be until the cost of providing care to Americans starts to come down. What do you think we need to do to start bringing down the cost of medical services? That is a question that has so many answers to it and would be a challenge to put it into effect. Perhaps that is the problem with the government as well. Too many things to try to change without really knowing how all the pieces fit together makes for a difficult scenario.
Until something that makes sense comes along, stay well and healthy and take care of yourself, because no one else will do that for you.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit https://www.benepath.com
Anyone recall that during one of the more recent election campaigns that one candidate, who should remain nameless, (but ok, it was McCain) talked about banishing borders between states and letting anyone buy health insurance anywhere they wanted. Somehow, he seemed to think that would save consumers money.
It might have done that, but ask yourself this question: If you live in New Mexico and buy insurance in Alaska, how is it relevant in terms of what hospitals to use, which doctors to see and what you can and cannot do inside or outside any networks. The folks in Alaska could only sell a generic, basic policy that may save bucks, but if it does not address your health insurance needs when you need it, ultimately, what good is it?
You might also recall the senator wanted to let medical professionals practice wherever they wanted. While that might extend their ability to care for more patients, it does nothing to address what they charge. So, anyone else got some good ideas? Or do we wait to see if health care reform does kick into effect, mandating health insurance or else you get a penalty in 2014?
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit https://www.benepath.com
Wouldn’t that be something if health care could be changed overnight – right? Wouldn’t you like to pay out less money for health insurance and medical bills? Of course you would, but how do you accomplish that?
Unfortunately, this is an issue that rests squarely with the government, and one that they have evidently dropped the ball on for many years. At the present rate of price escalation for medical care, there will be millions of Americans who will not be able to seek medical care when they need it. This is something that goes against the rights entrenched in the Constitution.
While it would be nice if the system would change overnight, it is huge and slow to welcome or adapt to change. Furthermore, all the levels are linked together and if you make adjustments to one, it affects another level. Getting anything to change without a major battle is virtually impossible. It would take more than eight years as President to even scratch the surface of what needs changing in health care and make any kind of difference. So health care reform is a start, but where is it going?
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit https://www.benepath.com

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The last thing you might want to be thinking about is health insurance. After all, you already have enough bills to pay right? While that may be true, if you do not have health insurance in place and you do something like break an ankle or wrist, do you have the close to $20,000 it will take to get it treated? Do you have the money on hand to pay the ER bill when it arrives?
Most Americans would answer no, as who has extra cash on hand these days? Most of the money they make goes to food and housing. If you do not have health insurance to defray medical expenses when you need it, you will not be able to take care of a mortgage and other big bills. This is not to scare you. This is the reality of living in a bad economy in the 21st century. You need health insurance or you could face bankruptcy.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit https://www.benepath.com.
You go to buy health insurance and do some checking around. You discover the same policy is available from many insurance companies, but the prices vary greatly. You find you can get a policy from company A for $300 a month, and yet the same policy can be purchased at company B for $225 a month. What is going on with that?
Competition is the reason. Insurance is a business and the bottom line is selling policies to consumers. If they need to price competitively to do that, then so be it. This is not to say that just because you might get that policy for $225 a month for a year, does not mean it will not be increased when the policy expiration date approaches. You have to watch things like this, and keep on top of your policy. Some people switch insurance every year to save money, if you do not mind changing insurance companies so frequently.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit https://www.benepath.com.
One of the main reasons the health care system is in such a mess is that insurance companies do not work together. Instead they compete and undercut one another. There are way too many upper level executives running the system who do not seem to have the pulse of the people any more.
Health insurance should be about giving Americans access to health care they deserve. It should not be a competition for health care dollars at the expense of the consumers who need reliable and reasonably priced health insurance. However, what things should be and what they are in reality are two different things. Will health reform change that, if it actually stays in force? Who knows?
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit https://www.benepath.com.
Does anyone know what health insurance will look like in the future? No, but that will not stop the debates about it. One thing is for certain – every citizen who pays taxes will take more than just a passing interest in how health insurance is going to shape up over time. And why wouldn’t they, as everyone needs health insurance or they face financial ruin if something bad happens.
It is a fact that our tax dollars keep the current health care system going. The sad part is when health care costs get so high that people cannot afford care or insurance. And this includes the people who may have been able to have some health insurance but cannot carry it any longer due to the recession. It is a conundrum without a solution at the moment.
The one thing that is certain though is that not having health insurance is not an option, despite how tight finances are. If you ever need medical care, and do not have health insurance, you will get slammed with a bill you likely cannot pay.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit https://www.benepath.com.