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From top carriers

What are your options if you miss out on Part D enrollment?

One of the easiest options available to those who missed out on Part D enrollment is to search online for “prescription coupons.” You may be surprised to learn that there are hundreds of pages offering coupons on just about any drug that is available on the market today. If you do not have the time to scroll through all the content, simply do a search for the name of the drug and add the word “coupons” after it.

It might seem like a no-brainer to search for drug coupons, but it beats paying full price or going without because you missed enrolling in Part D. It happens more often than you might think. If you are proactive, you will find some creative solutions to keep your drug costs down until you can enroll in Part D.

Posted on Friday, December 16th, 2016. Filed under Health Insurance.

Trump Health Care May be Different

According to president-elect Donald Trump, there is a pressing need for free market reforms in the health care industry. It appears from campaign speeches and recent media interviews that in order to create a free market for health care Obamacare may be repealed.

Mr. Trump has suggested this will happen on day one of his administration taking office. Although he has stated he would seek a total repeal of all aspects of Obamacare, recent media coverage suggests he has taken a slightly different stance on the matter and may agree to retain some aspects of it, such as extending health care coverage to students.

Mr. Trump has stated that by adhering to free market principles his government intends to restore economic freedom and certainty to Americans. He plans to make health care affordable, improve the quality of care available and broaden access to health care.

Health care under a Trump administration may allegedly be accomplished by:

• Congress repealing all or parts of Obamacare. No one should be forced to buy insurance.
• Modifying existing laws inhibiting the sale of health insurance across state lines. Full competition in the industry drives prices down.
• Permit Americans to deduct health insurance premium from tax returns.
• Review Medicaid basic options to allow those who want health insurance to access it.
• Permit Americans to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), ensuring they are tax-free and allowed to accumulate.
• Mandate price transparency for all medical professionals, particularly physicians, clinics and hospitals. Americans should be allowed to shop for the best price for procedures, exams or any medical procedure.
• Stop-grant Medicaid to states. State governments can manage Medicaid administration without federal interference. States will be offered incentives to reduce waste and eliminate fraud.
• Remove free market barriers for drug makers that offer reliable, less expensive and safe products. Americans should have more options open to them and be allowed access to less expensive, imported, dependable and safe drugs.

Posted on Monday, December 12th, 2016. Filed under Health Insurance.

Group Insurance Is a Smart Move in Today’s Marketplace

Contrary to popular opinion in a volatile market, it is almost always a smart business move to offer some form of group insurance to workers. The benefit markedly boosts employee loyalty, aside from the fact that coverage maintains the health of those that work for you. Group insurance is also surprisingly affordable. When you buy a plan for a large group, premiums fall; the economics of scale kick in when there are bigger numbers involved. And smaller groups than you may think are considered “big” in the insurance realm.

Additionally, you can form a group of small business owners and leverage the numbers to get reasonably priced group insurance. It’s worth the effort to reduce the premiums for personal insurance. There are many ways to form the group you want to get the kind of insurance you need — not just for your workers, but for yourself as well.

To learn more about the benefits of offering group health insurance and get your free quote, visit today!

Posted on Wednesday, April 30th, 2014. Filed under Group Insurance.

When Life is Good, Purchase Life Insurance to Protect Your Family

Even as the U.S. economy begins to recover, life insurances purchase rates remain extremely low.

The desire to delay is understandable, but now is the best time to put life insurance in place. Life insurance will provide coverage for your family if something should happen to you. Without life insurance, how would your family cope financially? Where would they find the funds necessary to honor your memory with a funeral and burial? How would the kids ever be able to go to college or trade school?

Many Americans do not realize that life insurance premiums are some of the lowest in the marketplace and very flexible. In fact, if more people took the time to find out about how life insurance really works, there would be less general anxiety surrounding its purchase (and more protected families) across the country.

To learn more about the benefits of life insurance, visit our extensive resource library today!

Posted on Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014. Filed under Life Insurance.

Medicare and Medigap: Partners in Policy

While you may realize that you need Medicare insurance as you approach the age of 65, you may not know that you probably also need Medigap insurance to fill in the gaps that Medicare will not handle. It’s confusing to try and figure out how each plan works, so trying think of it like this: Medicare and Medigap are partners in health care, offering seniors plans tailored to suit their personal needs.

Medicare or Medigap policies are not always easy to understand at first glance, but fortunately, plenty of help is available. Before you apply, make sure you find the resources you need to determine exactly what you want and need from your insurance. When you approach the purchase of a policy with a list in hand, you can get what you want for the price you are able to pay.

To learn more about Medicare and review your options visit EZ.Insure today!

Posted on Thursday, April 17th, 2014. Filed under Medicare.

Do You Have Your Health Insurance Yet?

As of 2014,  under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), everyone who has not previously held health insurance is required by law to obtain it through a health care exchange. Unfortunately, the process is seemingly fraught with a number of serious glitches and security issues. What’s an average American to do when he or she wants to sign up for health insurance? With the frustrating setbacks, people are struggling to “convince” the system to let them complete their forms or proceed through a frozen site.

Fortunately, there are other options for those trying to use a health insurance exchange. Private health insurance may seem too expensive at first glance, but the marketplace is very competitive right now. As such, now is the best time to take advantage of price fluctuations. If you want to gain control over the health insurance plan and budget you choose, you may prefer to deal with private insurance companies. Not all government-run agencies are effective, efficient or simple. If you want to ensure that you meet requirements without undue hassle, private insurance likely offers your best alternative.

For more information on health insurance coverage or to get a free  quote in just a few minutes, visit EZ.Insure!

Posted on Tuesday, April 8th, 2014. Filed under Health Insurance.

Common Group Disability Misconceptions

Many workplaces offer group disability coverage, but not many workers understand just what that coverage means for them.

In a nutshell, group disability insurance covers an individual for a certain percentage of regular pay if he or she can’t work due to an illness or injury. In many cases, policies cover up to 60 percent of that regular pay. The figure may vary according to the base rate of pay on the policy. Once an individual claims benefits, he or she pay taxes on them: they are regarded as income, just like a regular paycheck. However, the income is derived from an insurance company, not from your regular employer.

Every group disability insurance policy is different, but all are likely to feature “Any-Occupation” and “Own-Occupation” disability categories. The Own-Occupation category covers the insured 24/7 for 24-36 months. if the employee still can’t work after that period of time, the insurance company may dispute continued payments under the claim and insist that the person find work in another area if he or she is capable of working.

Each situation is different, and it pays to know just what your group disability insurance covers. Ask questions and find out before you find that you need to use it.

To read more about group disability insurance or to get a free group health quote, visit today!

Posted on Monday, March 31st, 2014. Filed under Group Insurance.

Group Life Insurance Improves Workplaces

For many Americans, life insurance enrollment presents a contentious decision. Many wonder how to pay for health insurance alone; the addition of life insurance seems overwhelming. Fortunately, if your employer offers group life coverage, your costs will be significantly lower than they would be if you chose to buy a policy on your own. Check to see what your workplace offers. There are always advantages under the umbrella of a group life insurance policy.

Also, remember that, even though some of the events covered by your group life insurance will not be applicable to your situation right now, they may become relevant later. Consider your lifestyle carefully before declining to enroll in a group life policy at work. It’s usually better to be safe and covered than sorry and stranded later.

Posted on Monday, March 24th, 2014. Filed under Group Insurance.

Basic and Advanced Vision Plans for Proactive Coverage

You may find that your employer offers you vision coverage. If not, you can opt to carry your own plan (which is possible and extremely affordable). When you select the insurance coverage you want, you may face various choices (including the decision to enroll in a plan at all).

Typically, carriers offer two types of vision plans — advanced, for the “tougher stuff” including detached retinas, glaucoma treatments or laser therapy, and basic, for the regular checkups and glasses you have or may need in the future.

Do you need a vision plan? A vision plan offers proactive health care options, no matter what your current needs are. Regular checkups allow you to stay on top of any changes in your vision. Those visits will ultimately cost you less than a major, neglected discovery would.

Posted on Thursday, March 13th, 2014. Filed under Health Insurance.

Your Health Insurance Plan May Not Cover Your Dental Needs

While some health insurance plans do come with a vision and dental component, most of them do not. If you need and want dental coverage, make sure you ask your insurance agent precisely what is included in your potential policy. If you buy health insurance assuming you have dental and vision coverage, you might find out later that the cavity you had filled costs you money directly out of your pocket.

At the dentist’s, ask about the various categories of coverage. Many dentists classify various procedures differently, which may affect what kind of dental plan you want from your insurer. Similarly, if you enroll in dental coverage through your workplace, check your policy. Know what to expect when you make a dentist’s appointment.

Posted on Thursday, March 6th, 2014. Filed under Health Insurance.
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