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Denied Health Insurance because You Weigh 420 pounds?

Being morbidly obese is tough on you health wise, but then you already know that, because that is all you hear when you go to the doctor. Whether you got to that weight due to lifestyle choices or genetics or other circumstances, you still need to have some form of insurance. Most companies look at your sideways and suggest your premiums will be very high because of your weight, implying without directly saying that it must have been your choice to be that heavy. This isn’t the case in many instances, but those who deal with obesity have a tough time getting reasonably priced insurance.

The reason for that is because the more you weigh, the greater your chances for serious medical complications. Yes, the same thing your doctor has been telling you for years. The more you use the system, the higher your premiums will likely be, as the insurance company is footing part of your bills and don’t want to lose money on you.

If you do get insurance, be prepared to pay extra. It is what it is. If you do not, you might want to look into the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), a temporary program, bridging the gap between now and 2014. At that time, it will be illegal to discriminate against those with pre-existing conditions.

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