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So You’re Addicted to Drugs? Why Do Insurance Companies Care?

This is always a very tough situation to be in. Finding out that you are addicted to drugs is a devastating thing to come to terms with, but more than that, it puts you at high risk for other complications. Being addicted to a drug has far reaching consequences and a brutal effect on your body. If the drug of choice is cocaine, heroin or perhaps bath salts, your body is in no shape to stay healthy. You see more doctors more often, when you are lucid enough to do so. Your world is falling apart; your health going downhill. You lose your insurance or can no longer get anyone to insure you. Why?

The answer is that insurance companies do not typically insure those who indulge in self-destructive behaviors. Those who do so then make more demands on the health care system and the price of care creeps up over time. High risk individuals are too risky to insure, as the company would take a loss of them. While that may sound morally bankrupt of the insurance company to leave a person out on a limb, the choice to be there is theirs, and since the insurance company is running a business, their preferred customer is a healthy one that takes care of themselves.

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